Personal Mission and Vision Statements

Personal Mission Statement


My mission is to be an honest, understanding, fair, and focused husband, father, student and trainer.  My objective is to use the knowledge and skills acquired at Old Dominion University to increase my marketability and value to my employers and to society.  Through the use of technology I intend to enhance my business, communications, and training skills which will allow me to add value to training projects through my experiences, knowledge, skills, and abilities.


Personal Vision Statement 

I will become a graduate student and continue to learn for the rest of my life. I will actively seek out new opportunities in business while providing training and consulting services to military contractors throughout the United States and around the world. I will seek out ways to provide free or reduced training as needed to those who cannot afford my services in order to improve the community where I live. I will enjoy myself at work, remembering always that work can be fun even though it is just a means to an end.  If work ceases to be fun I will find a way to make it fun or I will make a career change without delay.  I will not settle for a job that I do not enjoy.

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